Thursday, January 11, 2007

Weekly Devotion: Be Still and Know That I AM God

“…Be still and know that I AM God” (Psalm 46:10).
Those were the words God whispered to my heart this morning. I know them well; we all do. It’s one of the most quoted and memorized phrases in the Bible. Sadly, it is also probably one of the least understood or practiced. A word study of that brief phrase of scripture might help us understand why.

First, the command to “be still” is one of the toughest things we ever attempt to do. I used to teach pre-school, and also taught Sunday school and VBS to little ones for years. I remember my frustration one time when I just couldn’t get them to sit still and listen. An older and much wiser teacher said to me, “It’s like trying to organize a herd of earthworms, isn’t it?” I laughed, but I also realized that must be exactly the view God has of us, as we scurry and squirm in all directions, frantically trying to do and accomplish and achieve, but failing miserable at our self-imposed tasks.

To “be still” is more than to cease physical movement. It is to cease striving in our own efforts and to listen to and obey Him. And that is exactly what God has commanded us to do, for apart from that, Jesus said, we can do nothing. Nothing. Until we stop trying to “do our own thing,” we will never accomplish anything. But when we are still and listen to His heartbeat, we will “know” that He is God. This word “know” is the same word used in the Old Testament Scriptures to denote a man “knowing” his wife and creating a child. To KNOW that He is God and that He alone can do anything and that apart from Him we can do nothing is where we begin to partner with Him in the creation of life. In our case as writers, it is the place where we begin to create life-giving words that will bless and heal and call our readers to the Father’s heart so that they too can “be still and know.” What an awesome responsibility God has laid upon us!

As you wade further into this new year, may you BE STILL and listen to His heartbeat, and KNOW that He alone is God….

Communicating the vision… (Hab.2:2)