Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Meeting our Trials with Joy

The Bible states in James 1:2, "Count it all joy when you meet trials of various kinds." 

Now, I don't know who you hang out with, but most people I know, including myself, don't really see a trial as an occasion for joy. My flesh wants to whine and cry and quickly escape.

However, saved or unsaved, we live in a fallen world and there is just no escaping it. There are a lot of trials that each of us will face. So, can we really, "count it all joy?" Can I really be glad when my life takes a major turn for the worse and have no idea what the heck I am going to do?

I guess it depends on your perspective. This life, for those who follow Jesus Christ, is about being conformed into His image, and that isn't an easy thing to accomplish. Besides that, you don't really know what you are made of and who you are trusting in until the fire comes, and the fires will come.

James goes on to say that the trying of our faith produces patience. In other words, trials come to see if your loyalty to God is going to waver. God knows where you stand, but you won't really know until the test comes. Sure, the initial punch may knock you down. But, are you going to get up or stay down for the count? Are you going to trust in God or completely fall apart?

If you put your hope in the Lord you are promised this-your patiently trusting in him will make you perfect and complete, lacking in nothing (James 1:4). That is what our heavenly Father wants for you, to be made perfect-a fully mature son or daughter. You may not want that for yourself just yet. But if you continue to trust in the Lord and pursue Him and are made a mature son and daughter, can you imagine what He can entrust you with?

The Father makes many promises to us, but we have to be able to handle them. Our Father wants to give us so much. But are we ready? Trials show us and Him how ready we are. We need to be ready. I want to be ready. My Daddy is preparing me for great things, and that fills my heart with joy. He wants great things for you, too. Therefore, count it all joy my friend. You are being perfected in the Father. Let Him change and conform you as you unwaveringly trust in Him and are made complete. Count it all joy.

Kathy Macias

Communicating the vision… (Hab.2:2)

I am sharing “Meeting Our Trials With Joy” and joining like-minded sisters at Faith-Filled Friday.